Integrator Tutorial

In this section, we will describe usage of ASSET’s integrator object. To start, we will define an ODE which we want to integrate using what we have learned from the previous two sections on vector functions and ODEs. As an example, we use a ballistic two body model whose state variables are the position and velocity relative to a central body with gravitational parameter, \(\mu\). This ODE may be defined as shown below. For this example, we will be working in canonical units where \(\mu = 1\).

import asset_asrl as ast
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

vf        = ast.VectorFunctions
oc        = ast.OptimalControl
Args      = vf.Arguments

class TwoBody(oc.ODEBase):
    def __init__(self,mu):

        XVars = 6
        XtU = oc.ODEArguments(XVars)

        R,V  = XtU.XVec().tolist([(0,3),(3,3)])

        G = -mu*R.normalized_power3()

        Rdot = V
        Vdot = G

        ode = vf.stack([Rdot,Vdot])


To start, we can create an integrator for our ODE by using the .integrator method of the ODE. At initialization we can specify the integration scheme as a string as well as the default step size to be used. At the moment we provide the adaptive Dormand Prince integration schemes of order 8(7) and 5(4). These are specified by the strings "DOPRI87" or "DOPRI54". If no method is specified, the integration will default to "DOPRI87". The second argument, DefStepSize is the first trial step size in the adaptive integration algorithm, which will then adjust the step size up or down to meet specified error tolerances. By default, we set the integrator’s minimum and maximum allowable step sizes to be 10000 times smaller and larger than the default step size. However, you can override this by manually setting all step sizes using the .setStepSizes method.

TBode = TwoBody(1.0)

DefStepSize = .1

TBInteg = TBode.integrator("DOPRI87",DefStepSize)
TBInteg = TBode.integrator("DOPRI54",DefStepSize)
TBInteg = TBode.integrator(DefStepSize)  # Default is DOPRI87

print("Default StepSize    = DefStepSize = "      , TBInteg.DefStepSize)
print("Default MinStepSize = DefStepSize/10000 = ", TBInteg.MinStepSize)
print("Default MaxStepSize = DefStepSize*10000 = ", TBInteg.MaxStepSize)

MinStepSize = 1e-6
MaxStepSize = 1.0

## Set def,min, and max step sizes manually

Both integration schemes use the standard absolute and relative tolerance metrics to assess the accuracy of steps and update the step size adaptively. By default we set the absolute tolerance on all state variables equal to 1.0e-12 and the relative tolerance to 0.0. This usually works well for well scaled dynamics equations such as our two-body model with \(\mu = 1\). However, you can set them manually yourself using the .setAbs/RelTol methods as shown below.

TBode = TwoBody(1.0)
DefStepSize = .1
TBInteg = TBode.integrator(DefStepSize)  # Default is DOPRI87

print("Default AbsTols = [1.0-12...] = ",TBInteg.getAbsTols())
print("Default RelTols = [0.0,  ...] = ",TBInteg.getRelTols())

AbsTol      = 1.0e-13
RelTol      = 0

# Set tolerances uniformly for all state variables

AbsTols = np.array([1,1,1,3,3,3])*1.0e-13
RelTols = np.array([0,0,0,1,1,1])*1.0e-9
# Set tolerances individually for each state variables


Now that we have covered initializing integrators, let’s examine how we actually use them. By far the most used methods are .integrate and integrate_dense. Both methods take as the first input a full-state vector containing the initial state, time, controls, and parameters as well as the final time that we wish to integrate these initial inputs to.

The .integrate method integrates this initial full-ODE input vector to final time tf and returns only the full-ODE input vector at the final time. integrate_dense takes the same inputs but returns all intermediate full-states calculated by the integrator as single python list. We can also call .integrate_dense with an additional argument specifying that we would like to return N evenly spaced steps between t0 and tf rather than the exact steps taken by the solver. These N states and controls will be calculated from the exact steps taken by the integrator using a fifth order interpolation method. For the "DOPRI54" method, interpolated states have effectively the exact same error as the true steps taken by the integrator. However, for the "DOPRI87" method, interpolated states will have larger local error owing the difference in order between the integration and interpolation. In practice, the maximum local error at any point along the trajectory is typically 2 orders of magnitude larger than the integration tolerances.

TBode = TwoBody(1.0)
DefStepSize = .1
TBInteg = TBode.integrator(DefStepSize)

r  = 1.0
v  = 1.1
t0 = 0.0
tf = 10.0

X0t0 = np.zeros((7))

# Just the final full-state
Xftf = TBInteg.integrate(X0t0,tf)

TrajExact  = TBInteg.integrate_dense(X0t0,tf)

N  = 100
TrajInterpN = TBInteg.integrate_dense(X0t0,tf,N)

Event Detection

We can also pass a list of events to be detected during the integration. A single event is defined as a tuple consisting of: An ASSET ScalarFunction whose zeros determine the locations of the event, a direction indicating whether we want to track ascending, descending or all zeros, and a stop code signifying whether integration should stop after encountering a zero. The ScalarFunction should take the same arguments as the underlying ODE. The direction flag should be set to 0 to capture all zeros, -1 to capture only zeros where the function value is decreasing, or 1 to capture zeros where it is increasing. The stopcode should be set to 0 or False if you do not want an event to stop integration. To stop after 1 occurrence, stopcode can be set to 1 or True. The stopcode can also be set to any positive integer, in which case it specifies the number of zeros to be encountered before stopping. When events are appended to an integration call, in addition to the normal return value, a list of lists of the exact full-states where each event occurred is also returned. As an example, the code below will calculate the apoapses and periapses of an orbit, and stop after both have been found. Exact roots of events are found using a Newton-Raphson method applied to the fifth order spline continuous representation of the trajectory. The root tolerance and maximum Newton iterations may be specified by modifying the EventTol and MaxEventIters fields of the integrator. These default, to 10 and 1e-6 respectively.

r  = 1.0
v  = 1.1
t0 = 0.0
tf = 100.0
N  = 1000

X0t0 = np.zeros((7))

def ApseFunc():
    R,V = Args(7).tolist([(0,3),(3,3)])

direction = -1
stopcode = False
ApoApseEvent  = (ApseFunc(),direction,stopcode)

direction = 1
stopcode = False
PeriApseEvent  = (ApseFunc(),direction,stopcode)

direction = 0
stopcode  = 2  # Stop after finding 2 apses
AllApseEvent  = (ApseFunc(),direction,stopcode)

Events = [ApoApseEvent,PeriApseEvent,AllApseEvent]

TBInteg.EventTol =1.0e-10
TBInteg.MaxEventIters =12

## Just append event list to any normal call
Xftf, EventLocs = TBInteg.integrate(X0t0,tf,Events)

Traj, EventLocs  = TBInteg.integrate_dense(X0t0,tf,Events)

Traj, EventLocs  = TBInteg.integrate_dense(X0t0,tf,N,Events)

#EventLocs[i] will be empty if the event was not detected

ApoApseEventLocs  = EventLocs[0]
ApoApse =ApoApseEventLocs[0]

PeriApseEventLocs = EventLocs[1]
PeriApse =PeriApseEventLocs[0]

# Or
AllApseEventLocs  = EventLocs[2]
ApoApse  = AllApseEventLocs[0]
PeriApse = AllApseEventLocs[1]


In ASSET, integrators themselves are VectorFunctions and have analytic first and second derivatives. The input arguments for the integrator when used as a VectorFunction consist of the full-ODE input to be integrated and the final time tf, and the output is the full-ODE at time tf. For example, calling compute as shown below is equivalent to the normal integrate call. This also means that we can calculate the jacobian and adjointhessian as well.

r  = 1.0
v  = 1.1
t0 = 0.0
tf = 20.0

X0t0 = np.zeros((7))

X0t0tf = np.zeros((8))

Xftf = TBInteg.integrate(X0t0,tf)

# Same as above
Xftf = TBInteg.compute(X0t0tf)

Jac =  TBInteg.jacobian(X0t0tf)
Hess = TBInteg.adjointhessian(X0t0tf,np.ones((7)))

We should note that the jacobian of an integrator is the same as the state transition matrix (STM). Since calculation of an ODE’s state transition matrix (STM), is critical to assessing the stability of periodic orbits and many other applications, we also provide methods to calculate the STM through the integrator interface using the .integrate_stm methods, which can be used as shown below.

Xftf,Jac = TBInteg.integrate_stm(X0t0,tf)

## With Events

Xftf,Jac, EventLocs = TBInteg.integrate_stm(X0t0,tf,Events)

Parrallel Integration

Finally, for all previously discussed .integrate methods, we have corresponding multi-threaded _parallel versions which will integrate lists of initial conditions and final times in parallel. In each case, rather than passing a single initial state and final time, we pass lists of each. The outputs to the call will then be a list of length n containing the outputs of the regular non-parallel method for the ith input state and final time.

n = 100
nthreads = 8

X0t0s =[X0t0]*n
tfs   =[tf]*n

Xftfs = TBInteg.integrate_parallel(X0t0s,tfs,nthreads)

Xftf_Jacs = TBInteg.integrate_stm_parallel(X0t0s,tfs,nthreads)

Xftf_Jac_EventLocs = TBInteg.integrate_stm_parallel(X0t0s,tfs,Events,nthreads)

Trajs  = TBInteg.integrate_dense_parallel(X0t0s,tfs,nthreads)

Traj_EventLocs  = TBInteg.integrate_dense_parallel(X0t0s,tfs,Events,nthreads)

for i in range(0,n):

    Xftf = Xftfs[i]
    Xftf,Jac = Xftf_Jacs[i]
    Xftf,Jac,EventLocs = Xftf_Jac_EventLocs[i]

    Traj = Trajs[i]
    Traj,EventLocs = Traj_EventLocs[i]

Local Control Laws

In the previous examples we only examined how to integrate ODEs with no control or constant controls, but oftentimes we need to compute controls as a function of the local state or time. We can do this in ASSET by initializing our integrator with a control law. As an example, let’s reuse our TwoBodyLTODE ode from the ODE Tutorial section.

class TwoBodyLTODE(oc.ODEBase):

    def __init__(self,mu,MaxLTAcc):
        XVars = 6
        UVars = 3

        XtU = oc.ODEArguments(XVars,UVars)

        R,V  = XtU.XVec().tolist([(0,3),(3,3)])
        U = XtU.UVec()

        G = -mu*R.normalized_power3()
        Acc = G + U*MaxLTAcc

        Rdot = V
        Vdot = Acc

        ode = vf.stack([Rdot,Vdot])

We will add a control to the integrator specifying that throttle should be 80% of the maximum and aligned with the spacecraft’s instantaneous velocity vector. We do this by first writing an ASSET VectorFunction , that is assumed to take only the velocity as arguments and outputs the desired control vector. We can then pass this to the integrator constructor along with a list specifying the indices full-ODE input variables we want to forward to our control law. In this case it is [3,4,5] which are the velocity variables as we have defined in our ODE. This control law will now be applied to all of our integrations.

def ULaw(throttle):
    V = Args(3)
    return V.normalized()*throttle

ode = TwoBodyLTODE(1,.01)

integNoUlaw = ode.integrator("DOPRI87",.1)
integULaw   = ode.integrator("DOPRI87",.1,ULaw(0.8),[3,4,5])

r  = 1.0
v  = 1.1
t0 = 0.0
tf = 20.0

X0t0U0 = np.zeros((10))

TrajNoULaw = integNoUlaw.integrate_dense(X0t0U0,tf)
TrajULaw   = integULaw.integrate_dense(X0t0U0,tf)