Welcome to ASSET’s documentation!

ASSET (Astrodynamics Software and Science Enabling Toolkit) is a modular, extensible library for trajectory design and optimal control. It uses a custom implementation of vector math formalisms to enable rapid implementation of dynamical systems and automatic differentiation. The phase object is the core of the optimal control functionality, and by linking multiple phases together, the user can construct scenarios of arbitrary complexity. A newly developed high-performance interior-point optimizer (PSIOPT) is included with the library, which enables quick turnaround from concept to solution.


Cite the following paper if you used ASSET in your work.



author = {James B. Pezent and Jared Sikes and William Ledbetter and Rohan Sood and Kathleen C. Howell and Jeffrey R. Stuart}, title = {ASSET: Astrodynamics Software and Science Enabling Toolkit}, booktitle = {AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum}, pages = {AIAA 2022-1131}, year={2022}, doi = {10.2514/6.2022-1131}


If you have questions, please email any of the following or post an issue on the GitHub:

Funding Acknowledgment

Open source development and distribution of ASSET is funded by NASA under Grant No. 80NSSC19K1643 as part of the C.29 element of the 2018 ROSES program.

Indices and tables